Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Ports of Entry: Firebird Software

Firebird Software is more of a publishing label than a developer. Any games credited to a developer prolific enough to have its own page (e.g. Level 9) aren't listed on this one, or else it would be massive and mostly redundant.

Unknown lead platform:



Released for Commodore 64 & ZX spectrum in 1984

Ported to Amstrad CPC in 1984


Star Empire

First released for Commodore 64 in May 1986

Released for Amstrad CPC & ZX Spectrum in 19864


Black Lamp

Released for Amiga & Atari ST in July 1988

Ported to Commodore 64 & ZX Spectrum in 1988

Ported to Atari 8-bit in 1989


Weird Dreams

Released for PC c1988

Released for Amiga & Atari ST in 1989

Released for C64 c1989

Mobygames and Wikipedia do not agree on release order. Mobygames lists the PC version as coming out first in 1988, but Wikipedia says it came out in Fall 1989, and puts the Atari ST version first in April 1989.

Technically this one's Rainbird but I don't mind lumping it with its parent label.


Select chronology: 

Title Lead platform Date Contemporary ports
Booty ??? 1983 Same-year releases on C64 & ZX Spectrum
Same-year port to Amstrad CPC
The Sentinel BBC Micro 1986 Same-year port to C64
1987 ports to Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, & ZX Spectrum
Thrust BBC Micro 1986 Too many to fit here
Star Empire ??? 1986-5 Same-year releases on Amstrad CPC, C64, & ZX Spectrum
Black Lamp ??? 1988-7 Simultaneous releases on Amiga & Atari ST
Same-year ports to C64 & ZX Spectrum
1989 port to Atari 8-bit
Weird Dreams ??? c1988 1988-1989 releases on Amiga, Atari ST, & PC
1989-1990 release on C64

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