Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Ports of Entry: Sir-Tech

Unknown lead platform:


Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom

Released for Apple II, C64, Commodore 128, and PC in 1988.

Given how similarly this looks and plays to its Apple-based predecessors, it's hard to imagine Wiz5 isn't Apple-based too, but I haven't seen any strong evidence of this.


Wizardry: Bane of the Cosmic Forge

Released for Amiga and PC in 1990.

Select chronology: 

Title Lead platform Date Contemporary ports
Galactic Attack Apple II 1980
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad
Apple II 1981-9
Wizardry: Knight of Diamonds -
The Second Scenario
Apple II 1982
Wizardry: Legacy of Llylgamyn -
The Third Scenario
Apple II 1983
Wizardry: The Return of Werdna -
The Fourth Scenario
Apple II 1987-12 1988 ports to PC, PC-88, and PC-98
Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom ??? 1988 Same-year releases on Apple II, C64, C128, and PC
Wizardry: Bane of the Cosmic Forge ??? 1990 Same-year releases on Amiga and PC
1991 ports to Macintosh, FM Towns, and PC-98
Wizardry: Crusaders of the Dark Savant DOS 1992-10
Jagged Alliance DOS 4/15/1995
Wizardry Gold Windows 1996 1996 port to Macintosh
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games DOS 1996
The Ultimate Wizardry Archives DOS 1998 These are not the same as the prior PC ports of Wiz1-5.
Jagged Alliance 2 Windows 4/19/1999 2000 port to Linux
Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business Windows 11/24/2000
Wizardry 8 Windows 11/15/2001

1 comment:

  1. "Given how similarly this looks and plays to its Apple-based predecessors, it's hard to imagine Wiz5 isn't Apple-based too, but I haven't seen any strong evidence of this." Wikipedia claims that the first five entries in the series, presumably including this one, were written in the Apple Pascal subdialect of UCSD Pascal, but the reference is unsourced.


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