Monday, August 26, 2019

The maps of Wizardry

These maps are based on ones originally created by Andriy Sen, provided by John Hubbard, and re-used with permission.

One of the invisible mechanics of Wizardry’s maps, which I haven’t seen marked on any other maps out there on the Internet, is that every tile is either considered to be part of a "room" or of a "corridor," determined by the value of a boolean flag. Everything not part of a room is a corridor. I’ve highlighted these rooms in red, based on data extracted directly from the disk images. Any contiguous region of flagged tiles undivided by walls or doors is considered to be a single room.

Pictured: Five rooms and three corridors

When you enter a level, nine of these rooms (or all of them if there are fewer than nine) are randomly seeded with treasure chests. Due to the way the chest-spawning algorithm works (pick a random cell, if it is not in an unseeded room, then scan left-to-right and bottom-to-top until you find one that is), it favors large rooms, and rooms in or near the lower-left corners of red clusters. When you enter a room containing a treasure chest, you are guaranteed an encounter, and will be rewarded with a treasure chest for winning.

These maps also list the monster spawn rates. The monster spawning logic is needlessly complicated, and in some maps is even buggy, but I’ve broken down the logic into the approximate odds for each set of monsters, which are expressed by their monster ID. This represents the monster that will initially be selected for rank #1. Subsequent ranks are deterministic; e.g. Bubbly Slimes in rank #1 will always be accompanied by Orcs (or nothing) in rank #2. Lists of monsters by their ID will be in my next post.

As with other aspects of this breakdown, this only applies to the Apple II original, or rather to my copy of it. Later ports may have fixed bugs or otherwise changed things.

Level 1

Level 2 

Level 3

The fixed encounter spot goes away once you have won there five times, and will revert to a standard room. It will never come back, not even for new parties.

Level 4

The LVL 7 Fighters and their companions can ONLY be fought on this level, and can only be fought once, ever! If any party has ever won this fixed fight, then the encounter in this room will be missing the fighters, and will not drop the Deadly Ring when defeated.

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

The game only checks for fixed encounters in rooms. Since the Fire Dragons are in a corridor, you will never get to fight them.

Level 8

Y-coordinates are shifted for navigation clarity. Do not Malor across the meridian.

Level 9

Level 10


  1. There's something weird about the anti-magic square on Level 7, different from the one on level 5. Its effect seems to persist after you move out of the square, but I'm not sure for how long. A page on indicated that it might last until you leave the entire level, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.

    1. On second thought, maybe the level 7 anti-magic zone isn't different from the one on level 5. The map I made of level 5 showed its anti-magic zone to be in a different room from the one shown on your map, but it just occurred to me that I had already *passed through* that other room and only noticed the anti-magic effect in the second room when spells fizzled in battle. A persistent anti-magic effect from the zone would explain this.

    2. If I understand the code right, the "fizzles" flag is cleared whenever landing on a square of a type other than NORMAL or FIZZLE (treasure rooms are NORMAL unless otherwise noted), or when returning to the castle.

    3. Yeah, a little while after I wrote those comments, I looked at the code, and came to the same conclusion. It would fit with what I remember seeing. On Level 5, just a little while after I had noted the anti-magic effect and concluded it was from the room I was currently in, I entered the dark zone nearby, which would have cleared the effect. But on Level 7, once I saw the effect was persistent, I ran all the way back to the elevator, staying in normal squares the whole time, then checked one last time and saw the effect had vanished. It must have been the elevator square itself that cleared it.

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