Monday, March 4, 2024

Phantasie: Trials of the Olympian gods

The mystic said we were ready to visit the gods, but I took a little detour first. The keeper of the magic pools in Lord Wood's castle had denied me entrance to his quarters before, but now that I'd visited them all, would he be more welcoming?

I warped to Hobbiton, right near the castle, and went in. To my surprise, the map had reset itself! But I was able to visit the keeper and receive his runes.

I returned to town and then, as the clue found in Lord Wood's storage room so long ago said, I cast Transport and warped to town 99 - Olympia.

Surrounded by the impassable river Styx on three sides, the only direction to go is east. I had a few encounters with "great trolls" here, which were little more than damage sponges.

The dungeon seems impossible to reach, but Charon is found right in the middle and will row you across.


Six chambers line the misty entrance hall of Mount Olympus. I visited in a counter-clockwise direction:

  • In a windy room, a god speaks. "You have passed the test of air."
  • In a burning room, a god speaks. "You have passed the test of fire."
  • In a room with a symbol of nine rings carved onto a wall, a god speaks. "You have passes {sic} the test of rings." But I only have seven of them!
  • In the southeast room, I fight two combats.
    • First, a high devil, who squeezes off a somewhat damaging party-targeting spell, but I get him in the second round with a single cast of Quadruple Fireflash.
    • Second, a group of spirits, complemented by apprentice devils. The former prove invulnerable to melee, but Quadruple Mindblast decimates their ranks, and the survivors flee.
    • A god speaks. "You have passed the test of combat."
  • In a flooded room, a god speaks. "You have passed the test of water."
  • In a dirty room, a god speaks. "You have passed the test of earth."


Zeus's throne room opens. Attacking seems like a bad idea.

Almost done! But I think I cheated one of the dungeons - gonna have to rectify that.

1 comment:

  1. I recall enjoying the battle with Zeus. Lots of experience points.


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