Thursday, December 19, 2024

Ultima IV: Destard

There's one dungeon left, and I'm low on peering gems, which you can't do without - I buy more and fill up on torches and keys too, just because.

I also go to Skara Brae to buy reagents, just to dump my money into something. But not too crazy like last time - I really don't need to.

77 Tremors is probably enough. Right?

Ok - onward to Destard, which is found in southern Britannia. I Blink off the island, ride southeast through Spiritwood, take the bridge off the peninsula, and continue south into the mountains without incident.

Also known as "Dasterd." Still seems spelled wrong.

Level 1

Infinite corridor in four directions, with secret passages to four ladders down. Here's a better visualization:

I try the top-left.


Level 2


Well, this map's WYSIWYG. The north fountain is damaging, the south does nothing (or perhaps cures poison and does nothing since I'm not poisoned).

Heading north, there's an encounter room before the ladder down.

Kill drives off the Zorn. Undead Turning doesn't work as well on the ghosts as you might think.

This is what's east of the ladder.

Level 3

Four-way junction room in the middle.


The north passage has money and an orb that boosts strength and deals 200 damage. So does the south. No fixed encounter rooms other than the one in the middle, but I seem to encounter a lot of ghosts and liches.


Level 4


Another floor with a four-way junction room in the middle.

Discotheque! Or is it disk-o-tech?

The trippy floor here are actually phantoms, but a good Tremor kills most of them. I go around the floor's money loop, pass through the disco room again, and leave by ladder to the west.

Level 5


Two ladders down, one room in the middle.

The treasure obviously kills the force fields to the dragon's cells.

I take the left ladder first.


Level 6a


Wind traps and two stat orbs. I go back up and try the other ladder.


Level 6b

A pretty small floor, with two encounter rooms with treasure.



I take the left ladder down.

Level 7a


The floor of the final stone! No encounter rooms, just an infinitely wrapping layout.

I go back out and take the other ladder down.

Level 7b

Just one encounter room between the two ladders.

It's just as quiet and empty as it looks

Level 8

What's this - another ladder up?

I enter the secret passage to the south and go up - it takes me all the way to the top!


Level 1b

 Gotta check out each encounter room here.



The architecture shifts here a bit

Poison fields after killing the reapers and getting their treasure
West. No tricks, just annoying navigation.

I return to level 8, and check out the array of rooms in the main area.


Whoops - a glitched entrance! But I can just leave to the north.

Some catacombs

A non-glitched pyre on the north end

We take the secret passage to the final corridor, fight some gazers, and follow it to the end, where the altar of courage and final part of the key await.

Well, that's it for the dungeons! Seems that my next adventure must be to sail the ocean blue.

Remaining goals:

  • Explore the world
  • Find the bell at N'A" L'A", near the Isle of Deeds
  • Find the Shrine of Humility
  • Find the Rune of Honesty
    • Meditate at the shrines of honesty, compassion, and valor to learn how to enter the abyss 
    • Become an Avatar
      • Paws: Get mystic arms from Sir Simon and Lady Tessa
  • Learn the Word of Passage
  • Learn the Pure Axiom


  1. I wonder how many kids thought Gorns were some kind of giant crab.

    1. Sorry, "Zorns." When I said "Gorns," I was thinking of the second-order Xorn ripoff from that Ultima clone "Ring of Darkness" on the ZX Spectrum. I wonder if Garriott would have been bold enough to sue like he did for Questron, if they had used "actual" "copyrighted" Zorns?


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