Friday, November 29, 2024

Ultima IV: The splurge

Back at home base and loaded with all the cash I can carry, it's spending time!

First step, Minoc, by way of moongate.

Minoc's expensive magic weapons are only usable by Dupre and Julia. I already have one magic axe, but I buy another, and two magic swords for melee backup. I'm left with only $3,499 from my original $9,999.

While I'm here, I give $49 to a beggar at the poor house. One dollar at a time - I have a funny feeling that this is considered more virtuous than all at once.

Next, I went south to the Bloody Plains and searched the swampland for mandrake, as Calumny advised. Nothing! Nothing but multiple cases of poison that I had to waste my cures on!

Then I continued east to the Shrine of Sacrifice to meditate on CAH. Gotta pump up those spirituality numbers too!

Further east was Dagger Isle, which I could blink to and explore. The Shrine of Honesty is located here, but without the rune I couldn't yet enter.

Blinking around here, I found another dungeon on a nearby mountainous island, totally inaccessible otherwise.

Another time, though. The place I want to be is Vesper, where I can finally purchase that sextant.

I also purchase torches, gems, and keys. Lots of them - more than 80 of each, leaving me with about $400 left.

I return to the moongate by Minoc and take it to Skara Brae, first visiting the Shrine of Spirituality for a meditation opportunity by entering during dual full moons. Here I recruit Shamino, who I immediately equip with a spare bow, donate some blood, and spend the rest of my cash reserves on reagents.

I also explore a little bit more around here, including the tiny island to the north and southern Spiritwood, before returning to Britain. No levels are gained, but Hawkwind tells me I am ready to elevate in spirituality.

The sextant, by the way, shows your exact position in the world when used. Lord British's castle is latitude G'K", longitude F'C", and letters A-P are used. That's 16 letters of the alphabet, giving us a world 256 tiles wide and 256 tiles tall, assuming that P'P" by P'P" is the southwest corner of the world. With this data, I re-orient my map to put (the unexplored) A'A" by A'A" in the upper-left corner.

My world map:

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